Visit our Factory
We invite you to visit our factory in Foshan, China. We can arrange airport pick-up, booking of hotels, and sightseeing at no cost to you.
Before you come...
Please contact us and let us know a range of dates that are convenient for you. We can provide free airport pick-up and arrange suitable hotels.
Please book your airline ticket to Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport, which is the closest airport to our factory. We can then arrange pick-up from that airport. You can also book your airline ticket to Hong Kong International Airport and take a bus, which takes about 3 hours to reach Guangzhou. We can then arrange pick-up from the bus station.
We can also arrange pick-up from any hotel in Guangzhou or Foshan.
Please let us know if you have any specific glass mosaic tile samples you wish to see. We can have the samples ready in time for your visit.
On the day of your visit...
We will pick you up at your convenience and take you directly to our factory. At the factory, we will guide you around the showroom and show you our process of producing our glass tiles. You will also have the opportunity to ask us questions. You can take any of the samples you see with you or we can arrange to mail them to you.
Lunch or dinner will be provided and we will then drop you off at your hotel or the airport if you are scheduled to depart.
The whole tour takes about an hour to two hours, and if you join us for lunch or dinner, it takes an additional hour.
After you depart...
We will mail you any samples you liked and do further follow-ups with you. If you place an order with us we will keep you informed on its progress from start of production to delivery. If you have any other samples you wish to see we can also produce and ship them to you.